Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The program

Everything in Malawi revolves around the setting of the Program.

When we first arrived up North the first thing we did was sit down with the Malawians who oversee our project on the ground, to plan a program that would allow us to visit the 21 villages in which our Bicycle Ambulances have been installed during our two week allotted time. Then each day there is a program which involves setting the time and location we will all meet each morning (half seven, at the guest house... or eight o'clock at the filling station), and what time we'd likely arrive in the 2 villages planned for that day. Then, at each village, a program in and of itself ensues, which usually takes the form of: opening prayers, very formal introductions of everyone in attendance, opening remarks, viewings of the bicycles, pigs and logbooks, closing remarks, closing prayers, and then usually a small meal prepared for us by the villagers of nsima, greens, and usually chicken or fried eggs. We then pile into the car, travel to the next village, and start all over again. 

I guess what's interesting about this program concept is another local and commonly laughed about phenomenon, called Malawi Time. And the Malawians laugh the loudest. Contrasted to English Time, everything in the Warm Heart of Africa runs on its own timetable, and the table is chronically tilted towards 'late'.  A for effort, but the juxtaposition of such thoughtful planning and such difficulty sticking to a schedule makes each day.. an adventure. 

In other news, we've been very busy but spending time in the villages and with the villagers has been extraordinary. Look forward to (trying) to write more about it soon...it's in the program for later this week.  



  1. It's remarkable how much you have gotten done in a given day with the Malawians "program" and time schedule. Especially since these visits all have to be done by sunset. I love reading your stories. I love you.❤️

  2. ...and does anyone really carry a watch? Suppose it what makes each day so filled, so programmed yet so relaxed. Until the next day! 😘
